ACTS Retreat Ministry
ACTS is an acronym for Adoration, Community, Theology, and Service, and it indeed
lives up to its name. Through a powerful experience of the love of God through
Christ, ACTS men and women learn why God is so deserving of our adoration.
Through building friendships with other people in our church, ACTS men and
women have a new sense of community with brothers and sisters they never knew
they had. For many, ACTS has served as a first step in understanding God (Theology)
much better and the role we play in God’s plan. Through witnessing other Christians
give themselves over like Christ in service, hearts are transformed to follow the call to
carry on that mission of service.
Altar Society
The Altar Society of Holy Family Parish of Victoria, Texas supplies the necessities
of the altar and takes care of the altar linens, sacristy, and sanctuary. Membership
is open to all ladies who belong to Holy Family Parish. Regular meetings of the
Altar Society are on the second Monday of each month (September-May) at 7:00
pm. in the Parish Hall. Committees of the Altar Society include: Bake Sale, Bunco,
Candelabras, Chalice Cleaning, Christmas Decorations, Coffee and Donuts, First
Communion Reception, Flowers, Funeral Meals, Games Party, Graduation Brunch,
Holy Water Fonts, May Crowning, Mini-Retreat, Offertory Callers, Plants, Prayer
Garden, Social, Sew and Sew, Telephone, Visiting the Sick, Yearbook, and Ways &
Bible Study
The Bible Study meets Tuesdays from 6:30 - 7:45 pm and Wednesdays from 9:00 -
11:00 am. All are welcome to attend!
Catholic Daughters Holy Family # 2665
The Catholic Daughters of the Americas is one of the oldest and largest organizations
of Catholic women in the Americas. They donate to charities, administer scholarship
programs and strive “to be helping hands where there is pain, poverty, sorrow or
sickness.” The CDA motto is “Unity and Charity.” Catholic Daughter women enjoy
each other’s company at meetings and work hard for their parishes and communities.
Catholic Daughters Holy Family # 2665
The Catholic Daughters of the Americas is one of the oldest and largest organizations of Catholic women in the Americas. They donate to charities, administer scholarship programs and strive “to be helping hands where there is pain, poverty, sorrow or sickness.” The CDA motto is “Unity and Charity.” Catholic Daughter women enjoy each other’s company at meetings and work hard for their parishes and communities. Deeply spiritual, together they share faith, love of God and a distinctly feminine spirituality alluded to by Pope John Paul II when he spoke of the necessity of "feminine genius" in today's world. The program includes concerns of today's church and society as well as issues that affect the well-being of women and children.
Catholic Services We bring the Gospel to the inmates of the Victoria County Jail every Monday from
7:30 - 9:00 pm. We currently have four teams of volunteers that rotate weeks, so one
team is asked to serve once a month. Monthly a priest from the Diocese of Victoria
celebrates Mass. All volunteers must complete a background check and be approved
to serve in this ministry.
Catholic Singles 50 and Over
This social ministry meets the first and third Thursday of the month.
Children’s Liturgy
The Children’s Liturgy is the Liturgy of the Word suitably adapted to make it
relevant to the lives and experiences of young children. It gives them the opportunity
to understand the Gospel message and participate in the eucharistic celebration at
their own level. At the 11:00 am Mass the children leave at the readings and catechists
take them to St. Peter’s Hall for their Liturgy. Requirements to lead or assist in this
ministry is a desire to help children take a more active part in the celebration of their
Faith Sharing Ministry
Small faith sharing groups gather to break open the scripture and share the word of
God with each other, and apply the teaching to their daily lives. A guide for the leader
and participants as well as tips and suggestions for small group sharing are provided.
Festival Committee
The Festival Committee is the organization arm of the parish festival. The Annual
Festival is held the first Sunday in May, at the Victoria Community Center.
Funeral Ministry
The Funeral Ministry greets people at the funeral, helps serve the meal after the
funeral and sends cards to family members after the death of a loved one.
Gabriel Project
The Gabriel Project is an Ecumenical Movement of Churches standing together in
their willingness to offer assistance to women facing crisis pregnancies. The church
community accepts the expectant mother with an unconditional love.
St. Gianna Molla Pro-Life Ministry
The St. Gianna Molla Pro-Life Ministry meets the 3rd Monday of each month at
6:30 pm in the Bride/Conference Room. We work to renew the Culture of Life in our
nation through education, information, and various pro-life activities.
Hospitality Ministers
Greeters are the first smiling faces that people see as they enter the church, The
greeters are the welcoming presence which is so important to our parish.
Information Booth
Ministers at the information booth answer questions about the parish and parish
ministries. On any given Sunday one may be assisting a visitor so they feel at home in
our parish, or may be signing up people for one of the many ministries, or discussing
various Sacraments, activities and service opportunities during an upcoming
liturgical season. During funerals the information booth is open to lend an extra bit
of comfort during a difficult time; and during weddings, volunteers share in the joy
of the couple and their families as they welcome friends and families into the parish
for this beautiful sacrament.
Parking Lot Ministry
Also known as the Golf Cart ministry… This ministry assists people who need a
little extra help getting from the parking lot to the church. Our volunteers have a
wonderful time assisting people in this special way, and their efforts truly ease the
burden and bring much joy to many people.
A church usher is a person who helps ensure a smoothly running church service and
who ministers to people in a variety of practical ways. The specific responsibilities of
an usher vary, but his or her duties usually include assisting people with special needs,
assisting people to their seating, passing out bulletins and collecting the offering.
i.d.9:16 exists to form young adults into intentional disciples of Jesus Christ. Young
adults gather for monthly disciple nights and bimonthly small group gatherings that
assist to form them into disciples for Jesus Christ.
Knights of Columbus
Thanks to the efforts of Father Michael J. McGivney, assistant pastor of St. Mary’s
Church in New Haven and some of his parishioners, the Connecticut state legislature
on March 29, 1882, officially chartered the Knights of Columbus as a fraternal
benefit society. The Order is still true to its founding principles of charity, unity and
fraternity. The Knights were formed to render financial aid to members and their
families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled and needy members
and their families. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members
and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war
relief and public relief works.
Kolbe Prison Ministry
The Ministry is made up of dedicated men who minister the Word of God to the
inmates at the Stevenson’s Unit in Cuero, Texas. They are led by Gods call through
the corporal works of mercy to visit, conduct retreat and pray for and with those
Liturgical Ministries
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
in Parish and Homebound
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are commissioned at regular intervals.
They assist the deacon and the priest with the distribution of Holy Communion
at Mass and bring Holy Communion to the sick who are confined in the hospital,
nursing home, or their residence.
Readers proclaim the Word of God at Mass. Readers may volunteer at any time. A
brief training period, followed by a final evaluation, must be completed.
Altar Servers
Altar servers assist the deacon and priest at Holy Mass, fulfilling their respective
duties. Training classes for altar servers are held periodically. Altar serving is open
to those in the fifth through twelfth grades.
Music Ministry
The liturgical musicians’ ministry is to support the prayer of the people. Musicians
share in this work when they offer their time and talent to support the most
important prayer of the Church. The term musician applies to both vocalists and
instrumentalists. The cantors are those who provide musical leadership to the
assembly during the celebration of the Eucharist through leading the sung prayer.
This includes providing vocal as well as physical support to the community’s sung
prayer. Together the musicians, cantors, and vocalists have the unique privilege of
being an instrument of Christ’s Real Presence at such a vital faith moment.
Nursing Home Ministry
The Nursing Home Ministry assists the residents as they attend Mass on Wednesday at
the nursing home. They assist the priest with the sacristan duties before and during
Perpetual Adoration
Perpetual Adoration is an eucharistic devotion whereby members unite in taking
hours of adoration before the Most Blessed Sacrament both during the day and
throughout the night, five days a week. If you would like to sign up to spend an
hour with our Lord, please contact the church office.
Quilters and Sew and Sew Ministry
A committee of the Altar Society, this group of dedicated women work throughout
the year making quilts that are sold at the parish festival. They also complete other
sewing tasks as needed in the parish.
RCIA ( Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) prepares unbaptized adults and those
already baptized in another Christian faith tradition to become full, participating
members of the Catholic Church. RCIA is also a wonderful opportunity for baptized
adult Catholics to “brush-up” on their faith!
Serra Club
“Lord, open the hearts of many men and women to courageously consider a vocation
to the ordained ministry or consecrated life.” Our vision is to have all people respond
to God’s call to their vocation in life. We hope to educate and inform our members,
collaborators, and the Catholic Community of our commitment to promote the
ordained priesthood and religious life. We encourage and affirm the ordained
priesthood and vowed religious life as a positive lifestyle. Therefore, that by our
works, we will be recognized and sought after as the organization that actively works
and promotes vocations to the ordained priesthood and vowed religious life.
Religious Education
Religious Education (formerly known as CCD) is the means through which youth are
instructed and formed in the Catholic faith. Teachers and classroom aides are always
needed and appreciated.
The Rock Teen Leadership Ministry
This leadership group embraces the Catholic teachings and strives to live as Christ
did through: service to others, love to all, and teaching by actions, not just words.
As a leadership group, we will happily train the youth of Holy Family to become
active and strong leaders for future events. We are a family of believers trying to reach
Heaven and bring Christ to everyone we meet.
Wee Care
Wee Care provides loving, caring childcare in a safe environment for young
people ages 9 months through 4 years, during the 11:00 am. weekly Mass. An age
appropriate liturgical based curriculum, that includes bible stories, arts and crafts,
music and more is enjoyed by all. Wee Care is also available on an as need basis for
other programs of the parish, such as RCIA.
Youth Ministry
Under the direction of the youth minister, many opportunities for spiritual growth,
fellowship, and good times are provided by the Youth Ministry. There are two groups:
Junior High and High School. While each group has its own meetings, projects and
activities, they also get together on occasions for joint ventures. On the third Sunday
of each month, both Youth Groups participate in liturgical ministries at the 11:00
am Mass. Youth are invited and encouraged to become active and involved members
at any time.